4 Tips for Leaders in Uncertain Times

entrepreneurship, leadership, reflections, eos


As a leader, you’re up against some uncertain, uncontrollable circumstances right now. Your journey has shifted directions and 
you must navigate through uncharted territory. Believe me, I understand what you’re going through right now. However, I encourage you to focus on the certainties. The things within your control. At the top of the list is YOU. Your response, leadership, and  clarity are within your control. 

Whether you’ve started your EOS® journey or not, there are a number of tools that can help you shift gears, overcome roadblocks and retain control.
Here are a few that I am leveraging in my own business, Guide Studio

1. Maintain Strong Communication 

This most important action you can take as a leader is to maintain, if not  increase, communication. Move to daily communication with your team.  These quick check-ins can be done via email, quick videos and zoom chats. Let them know you are working on the business, considering their  health as well as the health of the company. If you have negative news to  share, talk about it. Again, clarity is key. 

You may be tempted to skip your weekly Level 10 meetings or Quarterly  Planning sessions. Don’t do it. Maintaining a “business as usual” mentality  will keep your team connected and confident. If anything, keep the meet ing and change the agenda. Spend more time on your defensive and  offensive strategies and Issues List. 

What am I doing? I am sending regular notes to my team on Slack and having Visionary/Integrator and Finance Same Page meetings every  week. 

2. Stay Accountable to Metrics 

In troubling times, it’s easy to let emotions guide decisions. Instead, let the  facts - your established metrics - be your compass. Here are some suggestions: 

Follow your Scorecard. If you already have one, you’re ahead of the  game. You can keep an eye on when things are changing – for worse or  for better – and pivot accordingly. 

Create a Trigger Plan. Decide what your trigger points will be to make  tough employee and wage decisions. If those points come to fruition, you  can make the changes with facts behind you. 

Add new metrics. What do you need to keep a close eye on right now?  Maybe these are things that aren’t normally on your radar but need to pay  closer attention. 

What am I doing? Guide made an extra Crisis Scorecard that we review  weekly. It includes a Temperature Gauge to help us capture real and an ecdotal data about our client’s status and performance. We’re also track ing RFP frequency and watching our financial runway. 

3. Adjust Your Rocks 

For many of you, your Rocks probably need to change. Don’t beat your self up — and I won’t beat you up, either! Instead of focusing on Rocks,  get your Strategies in place. 

First, focus on Defensive Strategies: 

Call in Accounts Receivable and reduce expenses 

Apply for SBA loans 

Get your technologies and policies straight for effective work-from-home 

Next, move to Offensive Strategies. Consider the core competencies of  your business that you can leverage now to make the most of this challenging time. Catering businesses are delivering frozen homemade meals. Breweries are making hand sanitizer. Guide Studio is offering to help hospital systems plan for temporary signage in emergency makeshift hospitals. What can you do? 

What am I doing? I am offering a FREE 60-minute Offensive Strategy sessions via zoom to all new and existing EOS clients. We can talk about how  to best use EOS and your business capabilities so that you emerge from  this temporary crisis smarter and stronger than ever. 

4. Inhale, exhale. Repeat. 

Not so much an EOS tool as a human tool, but breathing is so important  right now. Really. As you read this, take a deep breath in. Then a long slow  breath out. Spend just 60 seconds on this. Things will become clearer and  more manageable within this short, one-minute exercise. 

Bring a moment of breath-work, meditation or silence to the first 1-2 minutes of every meeting. Help yourself and your team look at the situation with calm and confidence. Remember, this isn’t just happening to you,  your business, your industry or your community. We are all in this together.  Worldwide. 

What am I doing? Believing. I believe that those of us who bravely lead  our teams, families and communities will emerge stronger. Within every crisis lies opportunity. Within ever leader awaits an even better leader. Let that be you. 

And, I am breathing.


4 Tips for Leaders in Uncertain Times