Retreat Facilitation 



Safe space and solid exercises to get vulnerable and connected.


Journey into self-discovery and personal clarity.


New tools and time to work ON your business.

Your last retreat kinda sucked.
And now it’s up to you to plan a killer  retreat where everyone gets deep and has fun.  

When you have busy business people  taking time out for a retreat, it better  deliver some value. You need a custom-built agenda that gets to the heart of what you need in order to have a retreat everyone will love.


Topics include….

> Setting the foundation for an effective forum structure.  

> Going deep and getting vulnerable in a safe space.  

> Personal Wayfinding to help you clearly see the vision for your life and business.

> Stretch goals and accountability. 

> Sample tools from EOS and Scaling Up. 

> Personality assessments (MBTI, StrengthsFinder, Fascination Advantage). 

> No trust falls, I promise!

Discover your unique Advantage. The Fascination Profile provides insight into how the world sees you. And how you can leverage that to kick butt in every situation!


Let’s talk about what you need and customize an agenda.

But to answer your next question, what does it cost, here you go!

$5000/day + travel expenses


Love your forum again.
And make that time count.


 I’m ready to schedule a kickass retreat!